Hair Replacement Boosts Self-Confidence

May 28, 2014 | Blog, Follicular Unit Extraction, Hair Transplant Studies

[Posted on May 28th, 2014 by Dr. Carlos Puig]

Alopecia is a dermatological disorder that can cause you to loose your hair in patches.  Often, the hair loss occurs in the head area, but you can lose hair on any part of your body. Alopecia is an autoimmune disease. This means, that rather than fight off just illnesses, your immune system fights off the good cells in your body. Visit our hair restoration facility, and let us give you a tour. Hair replacement in Houston might be the best way to treat your alopecia and restore your self-confidence.

Types of Alopecia

If you have patchy hair loss, you might have Alopecia Areata. If you’re entire head is bald, you might have Alopecia Totalis. If that baldness extends to your face, you might have Alopecia Universalis. Doctors refer to genetic hair loss, including male and female pattern baldness as Androgenic Alopecia. Cicatricial Alopecia occurs when you lose your hair and scars show up in the loss area. Traction Alopecia often occurs because of things you do to your hair. For example, certain hair styles, such as ponytails and braids, might stress your hair and cause it to fall out.  If you’re suffering from any of the various types of alopecia, hair replacement in Houston might be an option. So, give us a call. We can help restore your hair.

Psychological Impact

Alopecia usually doesn’t hurt, and it’s not life threatening. But, we know that it can be extremely damaging to your self-esteem. For this reason, we encourage you to seek medical hair restoration.  People with alopecia often are at higher risk of developing psychological problems. These include anxiety and paranoid disorders, social phobia and depressive episodes. Medications often don’t offer long-term help, and this might make you even more distressed. So, give us a call, because hair replacement in Houston might be the only long-term help available.

Who Is Affected By Alopecia

The negative psychological impact of Alopecia can affect anyone. The impact on infants and young children is minimal, but older children might develop self-esteem issues. This is because they’re more concerned with how others see them, so they might develop self-esteem issues. Although men might suffer from low self-esteem because of Alopecia, baldness is socially acceptable for men. It isn’t quite acceptable for women yet.  If a woman loses her hair, she might become embarrassed and might develop a poor image of herself. This is because society links a woman’s hair with her attractiveness. If her hair is silky and full, she is sexy and feminine. A recent survey of cancer patients found that some women felt that losing their hair was more psychologically damaging than losing their breast.

How We Can Help

Don’t allow Alopecia to take away your zest for life. We’ll meet with you and get to know you.  We’ll then develop a plan that’s right for you.  We care about you and are dedicated to restoring your hair, so that no one will know. It’ll be our secret. Our technique will have your hair looking full and natural.


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