Stop Wasting Money On Fake Hair Restoration

May 21, 2014 | Blog, Follicular Unit Extraction, Hair Transplant Studies

Thousands of dollars may have gone down the drain as you try to find a product that is going to help you with your hair loss. There are chemicals, shampoos, pills, sprays, and all sorts of other things that are advertised as helping with hair loss. When you have had enough of spending money on products that simply don’t work, you need to explore medical hair restoration.

Many of the products that are on the market for hair loss do not work. They work for some people, but generally do not have an effect if you are simply incapable of growing hair any longer. Some of this has to do with hormones, which means there is no shampoo or cream in the world that is going to provide you with the miracle results you are looking for.

A procedure known as follicular unit extraction has grown in popularity. Follicular units are extracted from one area and implanted in another. The result is hair growing on the top of your head where you were previously bald. It’s all your hair and it grows in naturally so that no one ever has to know that there was something wrong.

The products that you buy over the counter are expensive. If one doesn’t work, you may buy another one and then another one. Over time, you may be spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars to try and find a solution. At some point, you have to stop and consider medical hair restoration so that a doctor can figure out why you are experiencing hair loss and what can be done about it.

Once you sit down with a doctor, you can learn about all of the options that exist for you. Whether you experienced the hair loss as a result of chemotherapy, stress, genes or something else, this needs to be identified. From there, it will be easier to determine what can be done so you don’t have to keep wasting your money on all of the over the counter products.

The doctor is likely going to talk to you about medical hair restoration and what it can do for you. You can finally get the full head of hair that you have been trying to get. It’s a more expensive procedure, but it will give you the lasting results you want. You can then go home and throw out all of the products under your sink – and never have to buy another one again.

Too much money is wasted on products that attempt to resolve hair loss issues every year. Hair restoration within a medical facility is the way to go because you learn more about the condition that is preventing you from growing hair. When this is identified, you can find out what procedure is right for you so that you can get started – and boost your self-esteem in no time at all.


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