3 Ways To Enjoy Female Hair Replacement

Sep 11, 2013 | Blog, Women's Hair Loss

[Posted on September 11th, 2013 by Dr. Carlos Puig]

Female baldness is not as common as male pattern baldness, but it does happen – and that’s why there are female hair replacement services. While you hope that you never need such a service, it may be necessary. Whether it’s because of genetics, an illness, or treatment for an illness, you may be experiencing hair thinning or complete hair loss. Thanks to modern medical technology, there are several ways to enjoy hair replacement.

The first is that of an eyebrow transplant. If you have a full head of hair but your eyebrows never filled in the way they should have, you can take advantage of an eyebrow transplant.

Doctors will be able to transplant your eyebrow hair that is growing in to other parts of your brow. This can provide a fuller look and ensure that you have the desired length across your brow. Once you have this done, you can be more self-confident about your look and avoid using a pencil to try and fill in your eyebrow.

Another way to take advantage of female hair replacement is through medical hair restoration. You will be able to have a hair transplant surgery that will take hair where it is already growing healthy and naturally and place it where you are experiencing the baldness. This is especially desired when you want a natural appearance and you want your own hair.

When your hair is transplanted, it’s all your hair. It will grow on its own through the rest of your years so you never have to worry about hair loss again. You can shampoo it and style it just like you would ordinarily. It’s not any less fragile than the rest of your hair, so there’s no need to be timid around it.

A third way to enjoy female hair replacement is through laser technology. A special laser comb will be used on your head to help stimulate the hair follicles. This will provide you with new hair growth and ensure that you have the volume that you want. When you have experienced thinning over the years, this may be the best solution.

Regardless of why you have the hair problems that you do, there is a solution that you can take advantage of. You will want to talk to a professional at a hair center so you can discuss female hair replacement solutions in detail. To ensure that you have all of the solutions available to you, make sure you are going somewhere that offers transplant surgery as well as lasers. This will ensure you are able to get the full head of hair that you have always wanted – or that you have been desperately trying to get back.

Hair loss affects many women, you just don’t always hear about it. With female hair replacement solutions available, no one will have to know that you have suffered from any kind of hair loss, either


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